Monday, January 9, 2017

A moment to treasure

The smiles that flashes to the faces of the people that surrounds me is the reason why I treasure that very especial holiday. Last December 16,2016 a tiring day yet a especial one.  After the days of preparation the especial day have finally come. The Christmas party. Music,foods, and smile on the faces of the people out there is the only thing that flashes on my memories. Every sleepless night is worth it. But yet the perfect holiday only starts that day.

 December,24-25,2016, a very special occasion has occur. At night I spend it with my family even though we don't have that much food at least we spend it together as a family which is unusual  for us, specially at my father side. When the morning comes, December 25,2016, I spend my day with my churchmates . We went to a pool and brought some foods. We all have fun all day 

The holiday wont be that perfect without celebrating the New year of course. It is my first time to celebrate my new year hear in compostela so I treasure it the most. And also it is my first time to celebrate it with my father . So I make the most out of it. We didnt sleep all night. Noises, fire crackers, and fire works are all over the place. 

That night I decided to treasure every happy moments that year and wont ever forget it.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


When I smile it doesn't mean that I'm happy.
 When I shouted that I don't need anything I'm lack of everything.
 You see me as an awesome girl but deep inside I am broken and fragile. When you discover the deep inside of me would you leave and wont read this anymore? If you wont, then, welcome into my world. 

Welcome to my blog and in this, you will discover the meaning behind the smiles of many people. There are lots of secrets in everyone of us.Something that we want to speak out but we cant. Because many people will be hurt if you say those words. Well, you can speak it out. How? Simply go to my world and I will tell you the secrets that you do not know.